Gainey Law, PLLC​

Seattle Attorney Nicole G. Gainey

Focusing on Employment Law in Washington State

Fighting to End Workplace Sexual Harassment and Discrimination

While those of us in the legal profession believe that what we  do for our clients every day defines us, we also understand that this is a time to also use our voices to publicly take a stand against systemic injustice and systemically sanctioned brutality.

In this moment of heartbreaking injustice, and for the long and ongoing movement to end it, I stand as a professional and as a human-being together with all anti-racists to support the fight of Black people (DOS and POC) to end police brutality, judicial racism and bias, the school to prison pipeline, the control and surveillance of families by DCYF, economic and social marginalization and all forms of systemic  bias and racism that acts to perpetuate the political, economic, and social  caste system of the United States.

​​Employment Law cases in the news. Tips from a Seattle Employment Attorney. (and more)